The Struggle is Real
Nope, still no sweeping review of adaptogenic mushrooms this week. Not that it really matters, and not that I expect anyone to really take me to task over it, but just to clarify, I'm probably not always going to write about food here. Generally speaking, food and food-adjacent trends are my central focus, but as an insatiably curious individual with a sizable appetite for the all-you-can-eat buffet of content that's available for our daily consumption, I can't really help but follow my nose (or, I guess, my gut).
To be honest, I struggle with this. If I had one intention around which to focus my aim for this and related endeavors, it's consistency. I'm really trying to work on it, because if you haven't noticed (I'm sure you've noticed), I'm constantly tweaking and shifting and pivoting my ideas. I like to think of it as iteration, but others may not be so generous in their assessment. We're a small and tidy little group here at the moment, so perhaps I'm taking advantage of this intimacy. For now, I've got some wiggle room with your expectations. Right?
That said, I'd sincerely appreciate your thoughts and feedback about what you like to read here. It fills my heart whenever an encouraging reply from one of you appears in my inbox. Tell me what's working and what maybe needs some work. Curating these letters is a labor of love, a truly delightful yet time-consuming task that would be all the more rewarding if I knew I was serving up content that you found as tasty and satisfying as I do.
When everything is on the table, every bite counts.