#11: GIFJam


Everyone's millennial bestie, the animated GIF (Guh-IF, I don't care what the inventor himself says) turned 30 last week, huzzah! To celebrate, Facebook officially included their own native GIF integration (so long, Giphy Keyboard) in Messenger, which is swell, since every day I inch closer to communicating solely in Snoopy stickers and Seinfeld GIFs. The Debrief discusses the sweeping impact of the 'emotional shorthand' that has dramatically changed the way we communicate, while Vox rounds-up their top 16 reaction GIFs of all time. (Why they couldn't pare it back to 15 remains a fact known only to their clever editors). And for all of your own "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" moments, here's a list of the best Jennifer Grey GIFs for every occasion. Oh! And this.

THIS JUST IN: Apparently Bill Cosby is going to do god's work and instruct young people on how to NOT get accused of sexual assault. Ah, well! An extraordinary public service from America's dad. To help things along, here's a useful counter-effort listing Five Times You Thought You Were Sexually Assaulted But Actually Weren't. We're all just doing what we can here, folks. Nevertheless, he persisted.
 I don't know about you, but personally I couldn't resist the lure of an interview with the 21st Century's greatest philosopher, Alain de Botton on a site called- wait for it- The Daily Stoic

“Our homes do not have to offer us permanent occupancy or store our clothes to merit the name. To speak of home in relation to a building is simply to recognise its harmony with our own prized internal song. Home can be an airport or a library, a garden or a motorway diner.” 
                                  -from The Architecture of Happiness (2006)

We're already on the case of Every Outfit on SATC, but I couldn't help but wonder...all of the things Carrie couldn't help but wonder about.

Finally got around to watching the (critically-acclaimed, btw) Magic Mike last weekend and it was legitimately excellent. And hilarious. But excellent. I mean, the choreography! Has everyone seen this but me? Oddly, it was Louis CK's latest stand-up special that gave me the idea. I don't even know what to make of that. You'll have to watch to understand.


Just a Phase


The Futility of Resistance